
Looking for a New Opportunity? FLCMAA is Here to Help!

Reach out to the Florida Chapter Office today to learn more about our job distribution list and Continuation membership status. We're committed to supporting you when you need it most!

As part of your CMAA membership, Florida Chapter members have access to the latest career openings and opportunities in Florida and throughout the country.

In addition, clubs are welcome to post job postings on our website. Click here to learn more!

A fee of $200 will be charged for each career listing posted on the FLCMAA website, while non-Florida clubs will pay $350 per listing. Club industry search firms have the option to pay a yearly fee of $2,000 in November for unlimited job postings or a per-listing fee of $350.

All job postings will remain on the website for 45 days unless a removal request is submitted.