Seminole Region Education and Member/Member Golf Tournament
Seminole Region Education
Monday, October 6, 2014
Use your Tools wisely- Risk Management,
This presentation will provide an overview of the positive impact which a well-planned Risk Management Program offers. It will provide an overview of tools available to you through Amerisure and other resources. These tools include Workplace Safety Culture Surveys, Behavioral evaluations, and consultative as well as training programs. Each participant will leave with a better understanding of the benefits of such programs and resources available to accomplish your goals. Agenda: 8:00am - 9:00am: Registration and Continental Breakfast Cost for this Event: Golf and Reception Only - $40.00 per Member (Luncheon not included, unless attending the Education Session). ***Please indicate in the comments section one of the following when you register: ***For those playing in the tournament, please list your playing partner, and your current handicaps when you register. GOLF TOURNAMENT INFORMATION FLYER