CMAA Webinar

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:00 pm



The Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) invites you to attend a complimentary hour-long online educational presentation.

Topic: Capital Investment: An In-Depth Review
Presenter: Ray Cronin, Club Benchmarking
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2016
2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

One of the most studied financial topics in the business world relates to the measures and processes used to manage capital investments. For example, Return on Investment (ROI), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback are a few ways to measure the productivity of capital invested. This webinar will be a deep dive into capital investment in the club industry covering the following topics:

  • Determining how much should be invested
  • Addressing how the productivity of investments might be measured
  • Methods of determining which projects are likely to be productive and which are unlikely to be productive and which projects are necessary but may not provide a financial return
  • Examining the sources of capital funds, including an examination of debt as a source of funding

The topics will be explored using data compiled from the annual CMAA Finance & Operations survey and Club Benchmarking’s subscriber base.

Capital investment is a critical issue with those clubs able to consistently invest reaping the rewards of higher member counts, higher initiation fees and lower churn while those unable to or choosing not to invest see the pain of capital starvation. Attendees participating in this webinar will leave with a solid overview of the study of capital investing in clubs.

Register online. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with instructions on how to join the live event. One Association Activity credit will be awarded to attendees who attend the entire webinar.


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