PCMA Webcast

Event Date:

Event Time:
2:00 pm


WebcastEducation Opportunity

Marketing to Millennials - Your Next Member

Thursday,July 28st@ 11am Pacific - 1pm Central - 2pm Eastern

Presented byGabriel Aluisy - Founder, Shake Creative & CourseDriver,

and Host of Private Club Radio

Duration: 45 minutes followed by Q&A




students_portrait.jpgIs your club ready for the millennials? Millennials are the largest generation with a current purchasing power of $1.68 Trillion. In less than ten years, they will comprise 75% of the nation's workforce. If you're club is going to succeed, you'll need to start preparing. We'll discuss the psychographic profile of millennials. How to effectively communicate with this generation and serve their unique needs. Attendees will not only learn how to win them as members, but how to keep them longer with a club-wide brand and philosophy shift. This isn't just a seminar, it's a DO-in-ar where club management will leave with an actionable strategic plan to market themselves more effectively.

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