FLCMAA Webinar - Keith Pabian
Wednesday, November 18 The Election is Over! Description: Can you believe the election is over? After what seemed like endless political ads, debates, commentary, and polling, the 2020 election is in the books. Now that the Presidential election has been decided, as well as the elections for numerous seats in the House and Senate, we can try to predict what the next 2-4 years will look like from an immigration perspective. Could immigration reform, including large-scale changes to H-2B and J-1 visas be looming? During this webinar, Attorney Keith Pabian will outline the future immigration landscape as it relates to Florida's club industry. Keith will discuss the future of H-2B seasonal visas, J-1 visas, and year-round visa and green card options for Florida's clubs. Keith will also discuss legislative updates, potential legal changes, and where immigration could be headed in the months and year. This webinar is not to be missed in understanding what the future holds when staffing with foreign nationals. |
Zoom Instructions:
Topic: The Election is Over! How the Results Impact the Future of Foreign Nationals at Florida's Clubs
Time: Nov 18, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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