In early 2019, our Gold Partner Club Benchmarking launched the FLCMAA Strategic Monthly Dashboard Initiative as a free service to deliver monthly market intelligence that FLCMAA members could use to track their club's performance relative to peer clubs in local and regional markets and relative to the industry overall. The SMD has proven to be an invaluable resource for boards and management teams, particularly during the pandemic, and more than 80 Florida clubs are now taking advantage of the opportunity to get accurate monthly market trend reports for their clubs.
If you have not done so yet, we encourage you to start participating now by completing the data submission worksheet below. All participating FLCMAA clubs receive free online access to four powerful monthly trend reports covering Membership, Cost of Belonging, Initiation Fees & Joining, and Operational & Capital Finance. In addition, Club Benchmarking will present a Regional Market Trends Webinar on Wednesday May 19th!
SMD Participation is Easy:
The Strategic Monthly Dashboard includes these reports plus many more!