Register now for these upcoming webinars in the Mid-Management Webinar Series. This series is curated specifically for the educational needs of mid-management professionals but are open to all CMAA members.
December 20: Protecting Your Private Status: What Every Club Leader Should Know,
Brad Steele, Private Club Consultants
What does it mean to be "truly private?" The short answer is it provides exemptions from federal and state laws and allows your membership to control club operations. However, failure to protect that private status could result in significant legal and financial issues, an array of PR problems and a rapid loss of members.
While your club's private status is crucial to its success, protecting its tax-exempt status cannot be forgotten. Without a discerning eye on your club's finances, the benefit of paying little or no income tax could be stripped away.
Unfortunately, societal changes, economic concerns and internal pressures have made it difficult for club leaders to protect both. This presentation will explain why your private and tax-exempt status are so important, how to deal with challenges to them, and how you can actually run a successful club in these new times while maintaining each.